Friday, June 15, 2007


Me da a mi que se me empieza a ver el plumero Instituto de Empresa pero así se le cierra el culete un poquito.

Troy, thanks for your answer. As you say in your mail it's so important that: "Our people should beresponsive to the needs of our customers, particularly when schedule interruptions occur. This includes being courteous, and doing everything possible to hold inconvenience to a minimum. From yourdescription, we did not do a very good job in this case, and I apologize".As you know nowdays all the planes are similar. Companies are built with people and the way they interact with the passengers is, for me, one of the most important things. It's the world of intangible, as I wrote in a spanish newspaper three months ago. Thanks for your transportation credit service, maybe we will use it in august because we have to travel to Memphis. We are waiting for the answers of the customer services about the reimbursement and the damaged baggage and the way of fix them or replace them. Sincerely.Elvis Santos


Blogger Blanche said...

felicidades por la boda. Ya me la han relatado.

5:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buena acción de comunicación, pero muy mal desarrollo del Plan, ¿Qué objetivo concreto perseguías? supongo que de modificación de comportamientos, pero no puedo pasar por alto esa indefinición inicial a la hora de plantear el caso. ¿La compañía es cuestín es perro viejo, vaca gorda...
Todas esas cosas las omites, someto a tu consideración. Espero, en todo caso, que nos tengas al tanto de los resultados finales. De momento, B raspadita, muchacho.

12:22 AM  

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